Monday, February 22, 2010




Chopin's teacher Elsner said: "All imitation is as nothing compared with originality" I totally agree with his opinion. Music should come from everyone' heart, not simply do some imitation. Pianist should convince his audience by his own "natural" music. The more natural, the more convinced.


According to the tempo of Chopin's piece, Liszt made a very good explanation on Chopin's "rubuto". Chopin also mentioned that left hand should conduct and maintain a strict beat. So I believe that left hand played an important role in most of Chopin's pieces although audiences usually focus on his right hand's extremely beautiful melody.


Like some pianist before him, Chopin advocated his students to learn both singing and Italian opera. His nocturnes are regarded as "a singing of a piano tech". As we can see, Our most inward feeling could be drawn by Singing while playing.


Chopin spent most of his career life outside of his motherland, from Vienna to Paris then to England and Scotland. Although he obtained fame and made his circle including Liszt and Kalkbrenner, his heart was always with his family and his country. Chopin was lonely. This kind of loneness couldn't be gotten rid of until he found his national root.  I think he earned great success on music in Paris, but he was not successful in his personal life. Furthermore, his bad health situation and the final break between him and George sand made Chopin even weaker before his death.

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1 comment:

  1. Nowadays, we all know who was Chopin's and admire his music, but a big question arises all the time:

    Chopin Etudes
